
Happy World Toilet Day! [Video]

world toilet day activism

World Toilet Day? Why would we celebrate something so common? Unfortunately, as we’ve discussed numerous times here at sustainablog, toilets, and the approach to waste disposal and sanitation they represent, aren’t so ubiquitous in the developing world: almost 2 1/2 billion people don’t have access to this really simple technology.

So, each November 19, we turn our attention to this device that makes a huge difference in how we maintain our health and our clean water. The folks at OHorizons decided to create attention for toilets by pushing one around New York City, and using it to strike up conversations about sanitation and clean water. Most New Yorkes wouldn’t drink the water out of their toilet on a dare; they also don’t realize that this water is cleaner than what nearly 2 billion people drink. And that lack of even the simplest latrine-style toilets leads to tons of health problems, including deaths of children by diarrhea.

Watch the video above, and then let us know of any World Toilet Day activities or celebrations in your area. Getting rid of human waste in a manner that doesn’t pollute drinking water is definitely something to celebrate!

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