Yesterday our leader here at Sustainablog, Jeff, let us all know about an interview he did on theΒ Green Talk Podcast. If you haven’t listened to it yet, I encourage you to download it now. It’s informative and entertaining.
There are a lot of environmental podcasts out there. Grist has one. Treehugger has one. NPR has one. Even the EPA put out a few podcasts around Earth Day (don’t bother). And while these more prominent ones can give a lot of good information, sometimes they leave me feeling flat. When I’m listening, I prefer a podcast with personality.
If you’re like me, and demand to be entertained as well as informed before you’ll download a podcast, try one of these green, fun options.
More Hip Than Hippie – This is my all time favorite podcast. The hosts, Val and Dori, have a blast while they discuss the environment, beer, chocolate and how to determine your porn star name. This is not your run of the mill green podcast. They make every green action they discuss sound appealing. A few weeks ago, they interviewed a guest about canning, and now I’m looking forward to planting even more tomatoes next summer because I’m excited about canning. And did I mention the beer and chocolate?
The Little Green People Show – This podcast is hosted by Laurene von Klan and Jill Riddell and is dubbed “sound advice on green living in the big city.” Their big city is Chicago, and they answer listener questions and give lively commentary about environmental issues in their city and beyond. They tackle a variety of issues from foraging for food to solar cookers to green fashion. Good stuff.
Hey Mr. Green – Now, I’ve got to say that Mr. Green is not Mr. Personality Plus, but for some reason that doesn’t bother me with this one. First of all, the podasts are only about one minute long. Plus he tackles questions that people really want the answer to like:
“Hey Mr. Green: There’s a farmer’s market 12 miles from our house, and a supermarket just 1.5 miles away. Does the 24-mile round-trip drive to buy local produce make more environmental sense than a 3 mile drive for produce that’s not nearly as local?”
Make It Green Girl – A little longer (about 5-7 minutes each) and a host, Anna Elzeftawy, with a bit more personality than Mr. Green, but tackles the same type of subjects. One green topic is discussed in each podcast such as the problems with dry cleaning or CFL safety. Quick, informative, and fun to listen to.
ViroPoP – This is the only video podcast in the group. I don’t have the ability to watch videos on my mp3 players, but I know many people do so I thought I’d include it. If your mp3 player doesn’t have video capabilities, you can still watch it online, just like I did.
I watched their post on BPA Decalared Baby Safe, Thanks FDA!, and behind the host of the show was a screen shot of Green Options Eco Child’s Play, so I knew right off the bat these people were hip. And hip this video was. With choice words beeped out and a very quick pace, they said a lot in a little over three minutes. Entertainment and education for the short attention span set.
Image courtesy of flickr
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Greening the Golden Years Podcast: “Age Shall Not Weary Them”
cool, i’m always on the lookout for new and interesting podcasts to listen to on my way to work or sometimes just around the house. i will check a few of these out. also, i want to suggest that people check out the “vegetarian food for thought” podcast by colleen patrick-gudreau of compassionate cooks. she addresses not only environmental benefits of a vegetarian diet, but also talks about tons of food and meal ideas for the veggie-curious. her info is top-notch, well-researched, and intelligently delivered. it’s my favorite! check it out!
Robin Shreeves
“Veggie-curious” I never heard that term before, but I think that perhaps that’s what I am. I’ve been on a search for meatless recipes to add to my repertoire. Thanks for the suggestion.
Green is Good
Older post to comment on I know but check out Green Is Good podcast – fits in with the others you’ve mentioned. Thanks! Chuck