
Five Efficiency Features to Look for in a Business Storage Facility

business storage facility

Got items that aren’t in use, but which you need to keep, piling up at the office? Older (but still perfectly usable) furniture? Inactive files? Electronic equipment? Might be tempting to call in the recycler, the shredder, or even (gasp!) head for the dumpster… but why just get rid of items that could still serve a purpose (and which you’ll need to purchase again)? An awful lot of Americans put their excess stuff into self-storage facilities; your company could take advantage of business storage opportunities, and not waste all those materials (or get rid of information that might still come in handy).

As long as you’re avoiding waste, you might want to find a storage facility that’s put an emphasis on not wasting resources. Not only are green storage facilities out there, but with a little planning on your own part, you may even be able to save a bit of your company’s operating budget (no doubt an important resource, also!). Some elements of storage you’ll want to consider:

1. How much space do you really need? Do you really want to pay for empty space (that has to be heated and cooled)? Sure, you might outgrow a smaller space, but, odds are, you’ll be able to upgrade to a larger space should the need arise.

2. How much stuff do you really need to store? Yes, you don’t want to get rid of useful items that you’ll need to replace, but you also don’t want to turn into a pack rat. Will you use the items you put in storage… or will they just take up storage space? If you determine the latter, consider donating useful items to non-profit organizations that can use them (or sell them).

3. How well does the facility maintain optimal indoor climate conditions? Depending on your location, you may well want an air-conditioned unit: mold and mildew don’t do much for reuse potential. If so, you’ll want to find out if the facility’s making the most efficient use of that cool, dry air with proper insulation levels, weather stripping, thermostatic control, and appropriate temperature choices.

4. How well does the facility make efficient use of other resources? Are lights on motion/occupancy sensors and timers? Is water efficiency (for landscaping, bathrooms, etc.) used as efficiently as possible (and possible recaptured/recycled)? Are smart energy features enabled on office equipment and other electric appliances?

5. Does the facility make use of renewable energy? This is becoming more common, especially in states that offer generous incentives for switching to solar, geothermal, or other renewable power sources.

How well does your storage facility stack up? What other features would you look consider mandatory for an efficient business storage facility?

This post was generously sponsored by Lok’nStore.

Image credit: John Picken via photopin cc

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