I’m so glad we’re finally getting some gardening posts into the mix: it’s likely the one radically sustainable activity that almost anybody can integrate into their lives.
Jeffrey Davis at The Fun Times Guide to Living Green emphasizes that “almost anybody” part with four vertical gardening projects. Live in an apartment, a condo, or some other small space with little or no yard? Use your walls as growing space… and make the containers for your plants with items that you can find around the house.
I’m a big fan of do-it-yourself gardening projects… we’ve featured a number of them here at sustainablog over the years. Got your own diy projects for growing food? Share them with us…
Raising food in a sustainable manner is a frequent subject for workshops at Dancing Rabbit. Help support these educational efforts with a donation.
Image source: Instructables
We also just ran a post on window farms over at lagomorph. Urban gardening rocks!