Think back to the last direct-marketed product you saw on television. You probably remember the hyped-up pitch person, the “special offer” for buying now, the price that ends .95.Β You may also remember thinking “Why would anyone want that?”
Yes… most of the products marketed on television border on useless crap.Β They’re symbols of conspicuous consumption.Β The sales pitch feels cheesy. And, yet, as I mentioned in Five Greenish Products You’ve Seen on TV, a small handful of them appeal to values we promote here at sustainablog: conservation, re-use, and efficiency.
[social_buttons]I’ve come across a few more that strike me not only as appealing to these values (and perhaps a few others that are positive), but also as a great way to spread sustainable practices… even if they’re not necessarily labeled that way.Β Again, I don’t know the lifecycles of these products.Β I assume most of them are made in China. I wouldn’t call any of them “green,” or endorse them outright (or try to sell them through affiliate links here).Β But they’re definitely “greenish”… and if direct marketers are selling products by appealing to some of the values mentioned above, that’s an ever-so-small step forward. Here we go…
The Topsy Turvy: This one may be my favorite of the bunch so far, and was recommended to me when I mentioned on Facebook that I was starting my first-ever vegetable garden. “The revolutionary tomato tree that’s turned tomato gardening upside-down” allows people with little space and time to grow tomatoes and other vine plants (cucumbers, eggplant, etc.).Β Interestingly enough, the official site for the product also claims the Topsy Turvy is “great for growing organic tomatoes.” Is there anything greener than growing your own food?Β If not, this may be a product we should cheer when the ad comes on… Lots of reviews, both positive and negative, on Amazon.
The Dynabrite Flashlight and the Battery-Free 5x LED Lantern: I’ve listed these products together because they’re based on the same concept: utility/emergency lighting sources that employ LED bulbs and hand-crank powering. No battery waste, and no electricity needed (though the lantern does have plug-in capability).Β Could direct marketing help us make the transition to LED lighting? We’ll see… The reviews on Amazon for both of these products are relatively positive.
The AutoVent SPV: “SPV” stand for “solar-powered ventilator,” and I could’ve definitely used something like this when I lived in the desert Southwest. No batteries or plugging in: place this on top of the car window, roll it up, and solar-power pulls hot air out of the car. If it works as advertised, this could also keep people from cranking up the AC immediately… Not many reviews out there on this one — anyone tried it?Β What did you think?
The Leaf Eater Mulcher: Had to think hard about including this one, as 1. I’m not sure if it’s actually advertised on television, and 2. it’s pricier than most. But the concept is sound: recycle yard and garden waste into mulch. The reviews at Amazon are all over the place…
Yep, still no Pocket Fisherman, Hanger Cascader, or Power Trainer Pro… but perhaps I missed other products that could work here?
Image source: Topsy Turvy at
Bobby B.
The Pocket Fisherman still sets the standard for direct marketing success. It could also be considered green if it gets the user outside and he practices catch-and-release.
Portland Real Estate
I want the Topsy Turvy thing. I think it would be cool to have a hanging tomato plant in the kitchen window.
Getting involved and making conscious choices towards incorporating environmentally friendly practises in your life can lead to a sense of being more connected to everything around you.