That’s my nickname for Missouri’s new, young, Dubya-cloned governor Matt Blunt. Apparently, he’s “standing beside a plan “to plant 200 acres of rice enhanced with synthetic human genes — a crop intended for medicinal uses…” This idea even has one of my hometown’s longtime corporate citizens, Anheuser-Busch (hardly a “green business”), up in arms and “threatening to boycott all rice produced and processed in Missouri if the state OKs this latest “biopharming” venture.” This comes in conjunction with Gov. Opie’s other attempt to balance the budget on the backs of Missouri’s poorest citizens, and to make the state more “business-friendly” (i.e. allow any corporate excess in the name of “job creation”).
But, perhaps, my nickname’s unfair… to Opie, that is…
Via Gristmill.
Technorati tags: Missouri, agriculture, genetic engineering
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