We thought we had this all planned out: a Pedal-a-Watt generator was supposed to be on the way, and the folks at DR had everything necessary to set it up and get it running…
But it didn’t get delivered…
So… once of Dancing Rabbit’s founders, Tony Sirna, went into engineering mode last night, and hacked together a DIY pedal-power generator with a bike stand, a cordless drill, and a pocket inverter. It’s pretty cool (though there’s still some testing going on right behind me). He’s got pictures and an overview of the process on his post… will have to get it over toΒ Instructables once the kinks are worked out.
So, to be completely transparent, our pedal power may be sparse… we’ll just have to settle for solar-powered back-up (they’re off the grid here at DR). But as soon as we’re able, we’ll all charge up the laptops with the bike generator…
Don’t forget… we’ll be taking pledges and donations throughout the blogathon. You can make a pledge on our FAQ page, or donate directly through Dancing Rabbit’s donation page. Maybe we can talk Tony into developing a last-minute engineering workshop with funds that we raise…
Tony Brimson
Great inovation using a bike to generate electricity, I also have a number of bikes that generate electricity as well. There are a hughe number of applications you use the bike/bikes for. Many thanks.