
6 Gorgeous Small Rustic Cottages: Sweden's Urnatur

Small rustic cabin at Urnatur retreat center

As soon as I discovered this collection of small houses, I was taken. Wow! These rustic cabins with green roofs, treehouses, and small homes are located at Urnatur, in Sweden, an eco lodge and retreat center.

Urnatur is a family-owned retreat and tree house hotel, with private cabins in the incredible Swedish forest. It’s a place where individuals can go to learn about traditional skills (foraging wild foods, traditional building), or simply go for a bit of downtime. Just by looking at their beautiful cabins in photos online, I am already relaxed and retreating…

Here are six gorgeous houses at Urnatur.

Urnatur: The Lodges

Urnatur: The Lodges

Urnatur: The Lodges

Urnatur: The Lodges

Urnatur: The Lodges

Urnatur: The Lodges

Take me there! For more photos of Urnatur and their tiny houses, check out their flickr photostream. And here’s more information about the retreat center.

 Photo credit: flickr via The Anthropologist

  1. Tom

    These are just so beautiful! Make me feel better just by watching the pictures. But shouldn’t we already move one step ahead, and progress from nice cabins and holliday cottages to those homes we live our daily lives in? Green, sustainable building is not such complicated science and it does not mean giving up comfort either!

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