Got a tin can laying around? Then you’ve got the basic materials needed for a hobo stove, a portable cookstove made from cast-off materials.
Tag: TreeHugger
10 Websites for Going Greener This Summer
Looking to take your environmental efforts to the next level? Check out these 10 green-living websites for going greener than ever this Summer.
Closing Down Shop – Snooze Fest will Disappear at the end of the Year
“It’s Digg for Green.” When you first access’s homepage, that’s the message that pops up by its logo. Unfortunately, the user generated database of green articles never caught on [ … ]
Planet Green Set to Become World’s First 24/7 Eco-TV Network
Greens come in way more than one shade, so the folks at the Discovery Channel and TreeHugger are hoping to reach as many of them as they can through a [ … ]