
6 Upcycled Hacks to Organize Your Home Mess

I am a big fan of organization. You wouldn’t know it from looking at the chaotic mess that is my home, but I certainly do a lot of pinning on my Home Organization board on Pinterest. You might say that doesn’t count, but I would disagree. Then again, I am currently writing this surrounded by clean, unfolded laundry and scattered toys, so my expertise is probably questionable.

Despite this, I am always on the lookout for interesting and creative ‘hacks’ that have been upcycled from other things (mainly because my house of chock full of stuff I don’t need anymore that I would love to convert into something else!). If it can make it easier for me to find my shoes in the morning, all the better.

Here are six super simple, functional upcycling hacks based around common objects to help you organize clutter around the house.

1. Clothes Hangers


I have seen quite a few uses for these kinds of hangers in the past, but I like this one especially. They have used clothes hangers for watches, bangles and bracelets. I would go a step further and say that you could easily hang pairs of dangling earring on there, and maybe hang a tie with the studs pushed through for non-dangles. You could also put necklaces on the bottom wrung, and maybe hair ties slung over the hook. It could clear out an entire set of drawers in my bathroom.

2. Binder Clips

Binder Clips

Again, I have seen quite a few posts about binder clips. But I love this one and actually implemented it myself for all of the cords I have. In an age where we all seem to have mobile phones, media players, tablets and various other items that require a charger, this is a real gem. Plus, larger binder clips can be used for thicker cords, such as for traditional PC’s. This puts it all in one place, and a bit of tape with a label written on would make grabbing the right cord a quick reference away. Hat tip to this article on computer clutter-free tips

3. Plastic and Glass Bottles

Plastic and Glass Bottles

I always have ten million Mason jars sitting around, usually from things like spaghetti sauce. I never know what to do with them, and they just sit in my cupboard taking up too much space. This site have a couple of ideas, including using jars for decoration and the bottoms of plastic bottles for keeping small items. I don’t like knitted covers much, but it sparked an idea for a little rock garden for surfaces in my home, with silk flowers. Maybe even a few candles.

4. Plastic Basket

Plastic Basket

Have you ever bought a set of laundry baskets, and they come with those little ones that are supposed to be for socks and things? God, those are useless. I never knew what to do with my own, so usually shoved random things in it, like fabric softener samples and cloth scraps I swear I will use someday (I won’t). But this is a cool idea. You simple pull the ends of ribbons through and it makes a simple dispenser that will keep them from getting tangled and make them easy to use.

5. Coat Hangers

Coat Hangers

This is one of the best ideas I have found. She has taken coat hangers and turned them into backpack hooks. Then, over each hook is every child’s homework and schedule, so help them stay organized and on track. Creative and totally functional, I plan on doing this myself. It could also hold coats or jackets, and give them their own little place to keep their things. No more hunting for backpacks in the mornings!

6. CD Spindles

CD Spindles

I don’t know how many of you actually buy CD-R or DVD-R packs anymore. SD cards and flash drives have pretty much taken over, and for good reason. But if you happen to have some lying around, it could be another simple way of storing your cords. That is, if you don’t already have CDs taking it up. If you do…man, get with the times!

Do you have any upcycling hacks to share? Let us know in the comments!

Annie is the upcycling junkie blogging for Storage.com, the premiere resource of Miami storage units.

Image Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

  1. Harsh Agrawal

    Thanks for putting all of them together..Doesn’t matter how hard I try by the end of day or in 2-3 days..My desk become a mess…I’m going to try Binder clips tip and see how it works out for me.. πŸ™‚

  2. Skylights

    I have a wood hanger and attach 10 small hooks where I can hang my earrings. I use the long neck bottle to hold my bracelet. We never throw bottles of any kind, everything has its uses, like condiments container for narrow necks. Craft, candy, dry food container for wide mouth bottles.

  3. Shana Grant

    I love this post, u-pcycling is my life and I love to meet people who feel the same!
    you can check out my blog for more up-cycling hacks!
    Rubbishlove22.blogspot.com I want to open a marketplace where upcycling crafters can sell there items for no charge!

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