
Tag: sanitation

The Invisible People Who Take our Trash “Away”

Ever gotten stuck behind a garbage truck? Or heard one banging against a dumpster in the middle of the night? I’d guess that for most of us, these inconveniences/disturbances are among the few times we give any thought to the people who deal with our waste after we throw it “away.”

Nothing to Drink for Me – Just Water [Infographic]

Ever notice how we ask for “just water” at a restaurant? Like the source of all life is somehow inferior to soda or a glass of wine (both of which are mostly water)? A new infographic from a British plumbing company gives you just about every fact you need to know about water… including the ways we’re wasting it

Troubling Health Trends Holding Back Progress on Life Expectancy

People born today will live for 68 years on average, 20 years longer than those born in 1950. By the mid-twentieth century, industrial countries had already made major strides in extending lifespans with improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and public health. After World War II, rapid gains in life expectancy in developing countries began to narrow the gap between these nations and industrial countries. Although average life expectancy worldwide continues to increase, gains have come more slowly in the last few decades. Worryingly, life expectancy has actually declined in some developing countries, while a few industrial countries have stalled or made slow progress on this important indicator of human health and well-being.