
A Couple of Quick Reminders…

In May, I posted about Kleiner Perkins’ $100,000 GreenTech Prize. The deadline for entering the competition is…. tomorrow. Sounds like a good reason for pulling an all-nighter… not for me, of course, but Shea might do it…

Also, the Green Web Group at Squidoo is growing: we’ve got nine lenses in the group already (OK, two are mine, but that’s still pretty good for 24 hours, right?). I’ll start rotating in different Featured Lensmasters and lenses, but you’ll have to be a member to be featured (hear that, Joel Makower?! You, too, Jane Goodall!). Also, I’ll install a discussion module so you can toss out ideas about what kinds of functions the group can serve… yeah, it could just be a collection of green lenses for people to find, but there are likely some cool things we could do with it… right?

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