
GB #4: Seattle Fashion Show Highlights Sustainability

From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, news of a very cool fashion show Wednesday night: the Trash Fashion Bash at Seattle’s Asian Art Museum.

If the bash Wednesday night sounds like a little bit like the Derelicte homeless-inspired fashion show in “Zoolander,” rest assured, it wasn’t. Mimi Gates didn’t show up wearing a banner as a jacket to promote the wearing of trash as clothing. Rather, the show was a literal interpretation of what happens to our waste — no one really wears a dress made of table skirts tossed out after Bumbershoot (as one model did), but in a sense, we all wear our trash. Trainloads of our waste get shipped out to be buried in Oregon, but they don’t disappear. Our landfills aren’t black holes, and everything we dump there makes its way back into our ecosystem and our bodies.

Co-organizer Patricia Chase said the event was aimed at fostering discussion of sustainability in Seattle (sustainability being a catchword for recycling, reducing waste, maintaining green spaces and promoting bike paths and public transportation)….

Most of the 43 costumes made by the Haute Trash Designers were fun and brutally thought-provoking, such as flapper dresses made of IRS computer tapes (W-2s from a trash bin in an undisclosed location), another dress made of “Bruce Almighty” celluloid, and a cocktail dress made entirely of woven Wal-Mart bags.

The event did foster a discussion, and in particular noted how far behind even progressive US cities like Seattle are when compared to their European counterparts. Summer Rayne doesn’t get mentioned in the article, but it’s hard to believe she wasn’t there… Sounds like a great time!

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