
Tag: energy efficiency

The Wireless HVAC: Going Mobile Can Increase Efficiency

When we don’t hesitate to head across the street to save a few pennies per gallon on gas, why would we play roulette with our monthly energy bill? Nowadays, the capability is there to know exactly what you’re consuming and spending on electricity at any given moment, instead of simply waiting on the meter checker to come by and send you a bill.

The Big Game Doesn't Have to be a Big Energy Hog

Want to watch this season’s football games on a big screen TV with all the bells and whistles? Avoid the painful shock of an electric bill that’s similarly large by choosing the most energy efficient model you can: Energy Forward wants to help Northwesterners do just that.

Green Classroom Retrofit Creates Learning Lab for Students & School District

What gets measured gets managed, right? This longstanding business maxim gets thrown around a lot in green circles: data’s a necessary element of making the case that sustainability makes sense. At Orange County, California’s Davis Magnet School (which focuses on math, science, and technology), measurement’s already present in the curriculum; now, it’s also a part of the school’s efforts to determine if efficiency retrofits make sense for the district’s bottom line and the students’ performance.

Four Home Energy Inefficiencies You Can Remedy This Weekend for $100 or Less

When I’m approached on the floor by customers about CFL bulbs (or any product that helps them save electricity), I try to engage them in conversation about other measures they could take to reduce their power bill. Fortunately for them, some of the most effective changes don’t involve replacing all of your windows or re-insulating an entire house. If you’re on a budget, that’s even more reason to take action today to start saving money each month.

What Does a Green Trade Show Look Like?

Trade shows create a lot of waste: they’re second only to construction on this front. What would a genuinely green trade show look like, from both the vendor’s and sponsor’s perspectives.