
Tag: European Union

Global Wind Power Climbs to New Record in 2011

Wind energy developers installed a record 41,000 megawatts of electricity-generating capacity in 2011, bringing the world total to 238,000 megawatts. With more than 80 countries now harnessing the wind, there is enough installed wind power capacity worldwide to meet the residential electricity needs of 380 million people at the European level of consumption.

Shining a Light on Energy Efficiency

Our inefficient, carbon-based energy economy threatens to irreversibly disrupt the Earth’s climate. Averting dangerous climate change and the resultant crop-shrinking heat waves, more destructive storms, accelerated sea level rise, and [ … ]

EU Debates Renewable Energy Goals

The European Commission has unveiled a plan to cut global warming emissions one-fifth in the next twelve years, and it requires the 27 European Union (EU) countries to have specific [ … ]