
Tag: fuel

Full Planet, Empty Plates: Chapter 4. Food or Fuel?

The massive diversion of grain to fuel cars has helped drive up food prices, leaving low-income consumers everywhere to suffer some of the most severe food price inflation in history. As of mid-2012, world wheat, corn, and soybean prices were roughly double their historical levels.

Food to Fuel… the Right Way [Infographic]

The phrase “food to fuel” often refers to production of corn-based ethanol or soy-based biodiesel… not exactly most efficient use of these commodities. But there are situations when food to fuel represents a smart use of resources: when that food will go to a landfill. While the capture of landfill gas has become more prevalent, why spend the money and other resources shipping it there? Why not just direct food waste to energy production?

ZapRoot: Google Causes Global Warming?

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/v/PbmZcYbFSsA&hl=en&fs=1] This week at ZapRoot: Is Google destroying the planet one search at a time? The recycling market has gone bust. And check out “That’s Just Weird.”

Cleantech Possibilities for 2008

The end of 2007 brought with it news of cleantech developments for 2008 and beyond. Here are a few that I found most interesting. Do any sound promising to you? [ … ]