
The Waste Biz: Those Old Electronics Can Create A Liability For Your Company

old electronics in the trash

old electronics in the trash

When it’s time to refresh computers, or buy a new printer, does your company reach out to its trash hauler or other disposal professional for information on proper recycling… or does it slip those old machines into the dumpster and hope nobody notices? Certainly one of these practices is much more preferable from an environmental perspective, but what does failure to comply with e-waste recycling regulations and laws cost a business?

Susannah Bruck of electronics recycler ICT has started a series on the risks of improper disposal of electronics with a post on compliance. Not only is sneaking those machines into the trash irresponsible from an environmental perspective, but it’s also bad for the bottom line. According to Bruck:

Companies that do not recycle old electronics can face major fines and other consequences for not complying with the latest federal and state regulations. Thousands of dollars in fines, as well as cleanup costs can be an enormous blow to companies, especially smaller companies.Β In addition to potential fines, there is risk of throwing out value when tossing out old equipment. Assets that may seem worthless can actually be turned into revenue in many cases by being re-purposed or sold.

Kind of a no-brainer, huh? Add this to the reputation costs associated with getting caught dumping electronics, and it hardly seems worth the effort.

Has your company recently recycled old electronics? What kind of value did it receive from the process? Share your stories with us…

Also on the waste biz radar…

Mobile apps and trash: We’ve pointed to 1 or 2 mobile app developments recently, but Waste Dive gives a very good run-down of programs for your phone or tablet whether you’re a customer or a waste biz professional. In some cities, you can now pull up an app to make sure you’re getting your trash and/or recyclables out to the curb on the right day… no calls required!

US’ Largest Solar Array on Closed Landfill Under Consideration: Capped landfills have been used for all sorts of purposes, but the idea of installing solar arrays or other renewable energy facilities is particularly exciting. Energy Manager Today notes that one under consideration in Annapolis, Maryland, would be the largest such solar project in the nation if approved.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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