
The Importance of Recycling Printer Cartridges

According toΒ Planet ArkΒ – an Australian not-for-profit environmental agency – in 2005 alone, more than 18 million printer cartridges were discarded. As you can see in the infographic below, the majority [ … ]

Eco-Friendly Mold Removal Solutions: Pros and Cons

Mold is a pesky problem that has to be dealt with right away! Unfortunately, the most commonly used solutions are sometimes just as bothersome as the problem itself! Fumigators, bleach and other specific products are bad for your health, heavy on the environment and risky for cute little nosy pets!

Why Wind Power Works in the UK

In the UK, we have some of the most suitable weather for different types of renewable energy systems to work at their best. Although both solar and tidal power are renewable energy sources which are being put to good use already, it is wind power that has made the biggest impact on the general awareness of clean power generation.

Long-Term Trends of Global Warming: Fact vs. Fiction

The debate on global warming has been going on for over 25 years now. It is without doubt a hotbed topic for both environmentally conscious and big business manufacturing. The rhetoric being thrown back and forth has gone from discussion to polarizing debate to plain myth – from both sides. A look at the discussion based on some recent facts and studies is in order as well as a way to get past the rhetoric.

Ten Ways to Conserve Water and Paper

Water and forests are among the most precious natural resources on the planet. Unfortunately, they are consumed at an increasingly fast pace. Learning to reduce our consumption is crucial to the preservation of these vital resources. Here are a few simple tips to help you save on water and paper daily.

Will Hydrogen Power Suck the Lakes Dry?

Questions are accumulating about how water demand needed to supply a hydrogen vehicle industry might affect large water bodies like the Great Lakes. [social_buttons] Even as political leaders in the [ … ]