
Tag: electricity

Save Money on Your Heating with these Easy Home Projects

No time left to think about cold-weather energy efficiency projects: it’s time to get them done if you want to cut your heating costs. As in most years, doing nothing will cost you more: the U.S. Energy Information Administration is predicting residential electricity prices in the U.S. to rise 2.2% compared to the Winter of 2012-13.

The Web Isn’t Green; Here’s How to Surf More Efficiently

We’ve all marveled at the power of the internet – how much it helps people and how much information it has made available to anyone with a connection. But few seem to be talking about how the internet is powered, or how consumers and developers can use less energy for their regular online tasks.

Wind Power Surpasses Nuclear in China

Wind has overtaken nuclear as an electricity source in China. In 2012, wind farms generated 2 percent more electricity than nuclear power plants did, a gap that will likely widen dramatically over the next few years as wind surges ahead.

Electric cars are Ready to Go – but How Clean is the Juice?

The idea of the electric car is simple enough: replacing a gasoline combustion engine with an electric motor which drives transmission. Most make use of a battery, which is charged up overnight by a connection to a household socket. Just drive home, and plug in. So, with no engine burning up fuel, the electric car becomes a zero-emission car, doesn’t it? Unfortunately no.

The Cost of Solar Continues to Decline

As the cost of solar panels continues to decline and the technology continues to improve, both in collection and storage capacity, the use of solar could become an even more attractive option.