
Tag: gardening

The Connector for DIY Tomato Cages

Bob Van Epps is raising money through Kickstarter to bring his product to the market. Encintias resdient Bob Van Epps invented a device called the Tomato Triangle that is a molded plastic connector that when mated with off-the-shelf PVC irrigation…

The DIY Drip Irrigation System: Cheap & Effective

If you’ve ever come home from work in the summer and found your lovely garden wilted, this DIY drip irrigation system might be just the thing for you. Best of all, it costs less than $10. There are a lot of drip irrigation systems on the market today…

The $300 DIY Greenhouse: How to Build Your Own Walipini

While it may not feel like it – it definitely doesn’t here – Winter garden season is upon us… and pretty soon you may be thinking about ways to extend the growing season as it starts to cool off. A greenhouse is the go-to solution for most folks, but that means shelling out some bucks… right? Maybe not as much as you might think…

Harvesting Justice 21: Food for Body, Food for Thought, Food for Justice – People’s Grocery in Oakland, California

The neighborhood of West Oakland in California has long been without a large grocery store, let alone one that offers healthy, fresh food. With unemployment at about 10% and nearly half the population of 30,000 residents living at or below the poverty line, West Oakland is a neighborhood that grocery store chains have claimed isn’t able to sustain a full-functioning store. People’s Grocery aims to prove traditional grocers wrong.

5 Ways to Reduce Waste and Save Money at the Same Time

You may be surprised to learn that you can produce less waste and actually save money at the same time. It may require a bit of research and a change in habits, but the rewards are worthwhile. If you want to leave the world a better place for your kids and simultaneously cash in, check out these tips.