
Tag: Renewable energy

Poop to Power: How to Extract Value from Poopy Water

Between humans and livestock, we produce an awful lot of poop… and the methods we currently use to deal with all that mess use a lot of energy and clean water. Startup Pilus Energy thinks they have a solution for extracting value from all that messy stuff…

After Record 2012, World Wind Power Set to Top 300,000 Megawatts in 2013

Even amid policy uncertainty in major wind power markets, wind developers still managed to set a new record for installations in 2012, with 44,000 megawatts of new wind capacity worldwide. With total capacity exceeding 280,000 megawatts, wind farms generate carbon-free electricity in more than 80 countries, 24 of which have at least 1,000 megawatts. At the European level of consumption, the world’s operating wind turbines could satisfy the residential electricity needs of 450 million people.

We Don't Need No Solar Panels; We've Got Hyper Kids!

Harvesting kinetic energy produced by people walking and moving seems like a no-brainer, and the stories we’ve seen so far focus on spaces ranging from dance floors to health clubs. But if you’ve ever been to an elementary or middle school, you know that they may well be the perfect location for such experiments – there’s a lot of energy in those hallways!

sustainablog's Top Posts from 2012

As we prepare for another year of publication (and the celebration of our 10th anniversay), we’re taking a look back at what topics and posts did well during 2012.

The Great Transition, Part I: From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy

The great energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is under way. As fossil fuel prices rise, as oil insecurity deepens, and as concerns about pollution and climate instability cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new world energy economy is emerging. The old energy economy, fueled by oil, coal, and natural gas, is being replaced with an economy powered by wind, solar, and geothermal energy.