
Tag: Australia

The Importance of Recycling Printer Cartridges

According toΒ Planet ArkΒ – an Australian not-for-profit environmental agency – in 2005 alone, more than 18 million printer cartridges were discarded. As you can see in the infographic below, the majority [ … ]

After Record 2012, World Wind Power Set to Top 300,000 Megawatts in 2013

Even amid policy uncertainty in major wind power markets, wind developers still managed to set a new record for installations in 2012, with 44,000 megawatts of new wind capacity worldwide. With total capacity exceeding 280,000 megawatts, wind farms generate carbon-free electricity in more than 80 countries, 24 of which have at least 1,000 megawatts. At the European level of consumption, the world’s operating wind turbines could satisfy the residential electricity needs of 450 million people.

Inferno on Earth: Wildfires Spreading as Temperatures Rise

Janet Larsen http://www.earthpolicy.org/index.php?/plan_b_updates/2009/update85 Future firefighters have their work cut out for them. Perhaps nowhere does this hit home harder than in Australia, where in early 2009 a persistent drought, high [ … ]