
Tag: indiegogo

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Intentional Community

Ever think about chucking it all, finding a group of like-minded people, and creating a community that aligns with the way you really want to live? Yeah, we’ve all considered that… and a few of us, here and there, have actually acted on the impulse. For many, the Fellowship for Intentional Community has served as the resource for learning more about such communities.

sustainablog’s 2012 Holiday Gift Guide

Putting off the holiday gift shopping? We hate the mall, too, but if you go at the last minute, here’s what you might end up with. Never fear, though: we’ve got good green gift suggestions that only require some time on the computer.

Come Hang with sustainablog to Discuss Current Green Crowdfunding Projects

On this week’s Hangin’ with sustainablog Hangout on Air at Google+, we’ll be discussing cool green crowdfunding projects… whether they’re ours, a friend or colleague’s, or just something we cam across and liked. Several creators of current projects will join us, as well as members of the Important Media team.

How the Sharing Economy Can Save the World

Why own when you can rent whatever you need, whenever you need it? The benefit of this approach is that each micro-transaction boosts the local economy, while the same goods are circulated again and again. This is called the sharing economy, and our friends at Triplepudit are planning to write a series on it… with your help.