
Tag: solar power

Why the Saudis are Looking at Solar

Saudi Arabia makes more than 10 million barrels of oil a day, but it may be turning an eye on a cleaner, brighter prospect: solar power. Oil minister Ali al-Nuaimi [ … ]

Measuring Solar’s Total Impact

Renewable energy generates clean power, and the fuel is often free: There’s no cost to make the wind blow or the sun shine. But just as many people advocate for [ … ]

Asphalt Heats Up Solar Power

I don’t like wearing shoes or socks, but I live in Minnesota so most months out of the year I don’t have a choice. I remember one time when I [ … ]

Scientific American’s Solar Grand Plan

Scientific American has a thought-provoking proposal in its January 2008 issue. The magazine proposes a massive, far-reaching plan to get solar power generating 69 percent of America’s electricity 35 percent [ … ]

Cleantech Possibilities for 2008

The end of 2007 brought with it news of cleantech developments for 2008 and beyond. Here are a few that I found most interesting. Do any sound promising to you? [ … ]