
Tag: UK

Why Wind Power Works in the UK

In the UK, we have some of the most suitable weather for different types of renewable energy systems to work at their best. Although both solar and tidal power are renewable energy sources which are being put to good use already, it is wind power that has made the biggest impact on the general awareness of clean power generation.

Art From Scrap: Ptolemy Elrington’s Hubcap Creatures

Ptolemy Elrington makes sculptures from scrap material and runaway hubcaps. He lives in the British seaside town of Brighton, and has been crafting his Hubcap Creatures for twelve years. In this time Ptolemy has built a name for himself, and now there is enough demand for his work that he’s able to do it full-time. He is known for his animals, particularly fish, but can make just about anything, and sells to all kinds of people.

The State of Solar Incentives in the UK – The Story So Far

Back in April 2010, the UK’s Feed-in Tariff scheme was introduced by the government, which aimed to increase the level of renewable energy in accordance with the legal commitment to produce at least 15% of the country’s total energy from renewables by 2020. After nearly two years, how well is the system working?