
Tag: video

Fog Collection: Pulling Water From Thin Air

Traveling long distances for fresh water is common in the developing world; now imagine throwing some mountains into the scenario. In places like Nepal, that’s the reality. Fortunately, that reality comes with ample fog… and even the world’s poorest people can harvest that fog with simple technology.

Happy New Year from sustainablog!

[youtube width=”480″ height=”344″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra4Z9-47RS8[/youtube] Yep, it’s a new year, so why not try something new? We’re really thankful for your participation in 2010 — definitely our best year ever on a [ … ]

Shift Logic: Green Digg + Snarky Video

The death of Hugg may have created the idea that environmenally-focused social news sites were a non-starter, but other services in this space, such as MindBodyGreen and the Care2 News [ … ]